The Great Barrier Reef, Australia, off Cairns, Queensland, a World Heritage Site threatened by rising sea temperature and acidity from greenhouse gas emissions.
Great Barrier Reef, Australia off Townsville, a healthy reef system, but threatened by rising sea temperatures, rising sea level, and increasing acidification of ocean.
Great Barrier Reef, Australia off Townsville, example of healthy reef system threatened by temperature and chemistry change from greenhouse emissions.
Tiny sand island off Cairns, Queensland, symbol of islands and ocean threatened by rising sea levels and temperature brought on by greenhouse gas emissions.
Technicians on the RV Oceanus, Woods Hold Oceanographic institution, recover bouy of a deep ocean array of instruments studying the Gulf Stream off NYC.
Coral reef fish caught off Indonesia and for sale in market, Manado.
Meager catch of poor-eating Lal-Chewa fish (translit. from interpreter) for villagers on Bhola Island, Bangladesh.
Some of 3000 Kemp's Ridley sea turtle hatchlings making way to Gulf, Playa Rancho Nuevo Sanctuary, Mexico.
Kemp's Ridley sea turtle heads into Caribbean from nesting and hatching area, Playa Rancho Nuevo Sanctuary, a Mexican national reserve.
Hatchlings, Kemp's Ridley endangered sea turtle at Playa Rancho Nuevo, a Mexican national reserve.