Scientific research on the vegegative growth, composition, chemistry and depth of soils on a plot of native tundra just outside Barrow Alaska, July 2012.
Study to understand the mechanisms for respiration, uptake and release of CO2, oxygen, water and nutrients in tundra near Mt McKinley/Denali National Park Alaska.
Study to understand the mechanisms for respiration, uptake and release of CO2, Oxygen, water and nutrients in tundra near Mt McKinley/Denali National Park Alaska. .
Geophysicst Tom Osterkamp indicates ground level when he installed this temperature probe pipe near Denali National Park, Alaska. Permafrost is thawing and collapsing.
Walt Oechel and colleague work at a carbon flux measurement site in Barrow, Alaska, to help determine if tundra is a sink or source of greenhouse gasses.
Meteorologist Scott Chambers installing solar radiation sensor tower. Boreal forest near Fairbanks, Alaska
Lorraine Ahlquist inventories plants in plot of tundra to check changes in vegetation as tundra warms, at Toolik L, Alaska.
Crew of technicians and scientists inventories plants in plots of tundra to check changes in vegetation as tundra warms, at Toolik L, Alaska.
Marine Biological lab sample of Kuparuk River; Gus Shaver measures added growth of tundra plants, Toolik Lake, Alaska.
Karie Slavik & Stephanie Parker, Marine Biological Lab, sample Kuparuk River flowing across tundra, Toolik Lake, North Slope, Alaska.
Polar bear caught on dry land by loss of Arctic Sea ice makes way through ornithology camp, Cooper Is, Alaska near Barrow
Dr. George Divoky studies polar seabirds as they are affected by loss of sea ice, here checking nest box of Black Guillemots, Cooper Is, Alaska
Dr. George Divoky, who studies nesting black guillemots and their relation to sea ice in the far north of Alaska.
Black guillemots
Dr. George Divoky studies polar seabirds as they are affected by loss of sea ice, here checking nest box of Black Guillemots, Cooper Is, Alaska.
Three black guillemot seabirds socializing on Cooper Island during nesting season Late July 2012. Research of Dr. George Divoky.
Climate science near Barrow Alaska, August 2012. Investigation of ice wedges under tundra polygons, thawing of permafrost and possible emissions of CO2 & methane.
TIn a study lead by Terry Chapin and Gus Shaver, a researcher identifies and measures every plant in a 1 meter plot at Toolik Lake, Alaska. Results indicate shrubs and rougher sedges are growiing faster than smaller plants as climate warms.
Fish researcher Dan Breneman with Arctic char during a lake study, Toolik Lake Research Station, on Alaska’s north slope. Research at Toolik reveals the biotic changes in response to ongoing warming in the Arctic.